Romaric Tisserand, installation Ultramar pour Aesop, 2015 ©Romaric Tisserand
Romaric Tisserand, installation Ultramar pour Aesop, 2015 ©Romaric Tisserand
Romaric Tisserand, installation Ultramar pour Aesop, 2015 ©Romaric Tisserand
Romaric Tisserand, installation Ultramar pour Aesop, 2015 ©Romaric Tisserand
Romaric Tisserand, installation Ultramar pour Aesop, 2015 ©Romaric Tisserand
Romaric Tisserand, installation Ultramar pour Aesop, 2015 ©Romaric Tisserand


20, rue Bonaparte 75006 Paris
01 44 41 02 19

Romaric Tisserand

7 – 22 November

Without image there is no event.
Without events there is no history.

No history to remember.
No common future to share.

Found in 2001 under the cobbles of a sidewalk in Lisbon by artist Romaric Tisserand, the anonymous negatives part of the conceptual artwork ULTRAMAR (Empire Travel Club) tells the everyday life of a Portuguese soldier in Angola. Six black and white silver gelatin rolls evokes through a portrait gallery the fraternal vision of a nation where every single face, every detail, every look, refers to the history of the African continent.

ULTRAMAR (Empire Travel Club) is a ongoing project exploring the issue of contemporary archive, photographic truth, our relationship to fantasy.

For Aesop, Romaric Tisserand designs a new display « to go » : everyone can cut and take away a piece of the frieze hung on the wall. The archive spreads, drops from the wall to the hands, is traded, wanders the world.

ULTRAMAR (Empire Travel Club) has been shown at the MoMO Gallery during the Mois de la Photo 2014 and at Yvon Lambert Bookshop. Winner of prize for contemporary African Photography 2015, Basel.